Today's interview is brought to you by MeritFit. is a Kansas City based fitness and nutrition blog run by one of my good friends and certified Personal Trainer, Dustin Duewel. He played soccer for 12 years, inspiring his passion for fitness and nutrition. Check out his blog for all kinds of useful information to up your game and get ahead of the competition. First things first, huge thanks to John and all at American Pyramid for letting me ruin the blog.
As a newcomer to the States, chances are most of you reading this already know more than I do about the lower league scene here. So if I start stating the obvious, I apologize. Humo(u)r me and my British ways, please! This inaugural interview is with Steve Siomos, President of the Metropolitan Soccer League here in Chicago. The league has been in existence for over 40 years now, and has given rise to some of NL Chicago’s mightiest sides. I hope you enjoy it. Hello everyone! Today is a special day, and I want to get straight to it. I'm pleased to announce that AP is launching a new platform for you to find all the soccer related content you could ever want. The AP Podcast Network.
Right now, we are in Phase One of this project, as you'll see by clicking Here. We have several exciting partners covering the entire scope of soccer in the United States, and are hoping to make it easier for people who are interested to start a podcast and have a built in network of eager listeners. Phase Two will be later this year, and you'll get to see those changes this summer as things are finalized and rolled out to you, the breathless public. I am also working on creating some more exclusive content for people looking for help and or advice in running/starting a team. Things like budget plans, marketing and membership ideas and such. Also, to keep the site up and running, AP will be starting a Patreon account. Before you start rolling your eyes and dismiss the idea, if 100 readers give $1 a month, I'll be able to keep the site live as it's own domain for a long, long time. Lastly, thanks for being a part of this journey. Who would have thought a blog with no readers when it started would get this far? And it's all thanks to you. Hope you enjoy the new phase of the ride. Today's interview is brought to you by LeagueApps. League Apps is your one stop shop for streamlining the day to day activities at your club and league. They have multiple options based on your needs, including one that's free! Visit to find out more and see what they can do to make running your club and league easier. Hello again and welcome AP readers! Today you get to read about one of America's oldest and most prestigious soccer leagues. The Cosmopolitan Soccer League of NYC> Bill Marth took some time over a couple of days to answer questions and talk about not just the league, but the soccer club of which he is a member and GM, Hoboken FC. Check it out.
"We are confident that our differences will help our league become a model in the US Soccer market." Today's interview is brought to you by is a brand new website dedicated to helping people all across the United States find the nearest pick up soccer game. If you can't find one near you, guess what? You can create one. Right now, it's still in the early stages, so AP has partnered with them to help get the word out, get more people on the site, and get more games going everywhere! The more chances to play, the more people will play. And the more people who play, the more the game grows.
Hello again AP readers, it's Thursday! That means it's time for a new interview. More stories, more strategies, and more plans to change the US soccer landscape. Kevin was gracious enough to take some time and go over several details of the new era for the CSL. He covers the leagues plans for marketing, expansion, instituting promotion and relegation in 2018, and lots of other details. Check it out. |
February 2021