"There is a huge club soccer scene here with a lot of talent and 2 of the biggest tournaments in the nation." Today's interview is brought to you by Weebly. Weebly is who I use to run American Pyramid, and it's one of the easiest to use and most intuitive web builders out there. And it's crazy cheap! Plus, if you decide to use Weebly for your team, league, blog or business website, you can click this link Right Here to get started with your website and AP will get a credit that makes maintaining the site even easier. So check out Weebly today.
Hello everyone, welcome back to American Pyramid! Before we dive into today's interview, I wanted to let you know to AP is looking to start churning out more content. That means more writers, writing more things about lower league American Soccer. To do that, I want to hear from you, the readers, who have opinions or would like to write about your local team and see it published. Please email me at [email protected] if you're interested in finding a publishing platform for your website. Second, we are looking into the possibility of selling t-shirts with our sweet pink logo on them! If that's something you'd be interested in buying, please, please, PLEASE say so in the comments so I can make a compelling point to my wife about why I need to spend money on special t-shirts. I have a couple of other projects I'd like to work on to help increase the amount of coverage going towards lower league American soccer, but I'm going to need help and money, so it might be a bit before anything happens. Just know that we aren't stopping in our quest to generate more coverage of, and interest in, lower league soccer. Now, Tyler Scull took some time to discuss Las Vegas Mobsters with me back in August. He has some fascinating insights on the local soccer scene, the growing pains, challenges and opportunities of being a member of the UPSL, and why the team decided to leave the PDL for a league that could be seen as the 'startup' of the amateur scene. Check it out. If you follow US Soccer at all, you'll know it's a train wreck right now. Lawsuits, leagues and teams facing the threat of going out of business, all kinds of shady money. Enough to make you go crazy. But it does make me wonder: What if we had an organized pyramid in the US? Not one with a bunch of made up teams, but one made up only of the teams that exist. Would there even be enough teams to create a functioning top three levels of the pyramid? That was my first big question.
Here's how many pro teams there are right now, per league. We aren't counting NISA teams, or the three expansion teams NASL mentioned in the lawsuit: Atlanta, Detroit, and New Orleans. Or the Chicago NASL group. This is only for teams that actually exist, either with a team on the field now, or announced plans to put a team on the field by 2019 at the latest. MLS: 23 NASL: 10 USL: 35 Total: 68 68 pro teams! First off, I'd say that's awesome to see. 68 pro teams planning to take the field next year. Hopefully USSF can sort things out, and we'll see a few more take the field in 2018. Now, what if you stacked it up to have three leagues at the top of the pyramid? It would actually be quite easy. MLS: 20 NASL: 24 USL: 24 Pretty cool looking, no? What teams would be in these leagues? Easy! I took current standings of all the leagues and organized things. Bottom two MLS teams and LAFC join NASL. Top thirteen non MLS 2 sides join NASL. MLS Toronto, NYFC, Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, NYRB, Montreal, New England, Philadelphia, Orlando, Vancouver, Portland, Kansas City, Seattle, Salt Lake, San Jose, Houston, Dallas, Minnesota, LA NASL Miami, North Carolina, San Francisco, Edmonton, Puerto Rico, New York, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, LAFC, Cal United, San Diego, Louisville, Reno, San Antonio, Charlotte, Charleston, Phoenix, Tulsa, Tampa Bay, Rochester, Cincinnati, Bethlehem, Sacramento, Oklahoma City USL Orlando B, Saint Louis, Pittsburgh, Ottawa, Harrisburg, Richmond, Toronto 2, Real Monarchs, Swope Park, Orange County, Colorado Springs, Rio Grande, Seattle 2, LA 2, Vancouver 2, Portland 2, Fresno, Las Vegas, Nashville, Austin, Birmingham I know this is crazy, but it's Monday, and I wondered what something like this might look like. Just a fun exercise and something that was on my mind. "The heart behind our league is to provide opportunities for all kids to play - especially the ones that can't afford it." Today's interview is brought to you by Jack Nadel. Jack Nadel International has partnered with American Pyramid to provide teams with access to a full range of merchandise. You can now order anything from shirts and water bottles to umbrellas and pint glasses with your teams logo on it, giving your fans more cool team gear to buy than ever before. As a bonus, all American Pyramid readers get 10% off their first order of $300 or more in merchandise. Simply email Mark Mogle at [email protected] and tell him American Pyramid sent you. Minimum order quantities may apply on certain branded merchandise.
Good morning! It's time for a new interview, as that's what Thursday's are for! Today you'll get to read about Jubal McDaniel, and the work he does with refugee and impoverished kids and youth in the Pacific Northwest. Now, I know there is a stigma attached to faith based sports organization's, but what these guys are doing is actually quite unique, and really, really valuable. And if you think that this show AP is in some way 'non inclusive' or 'bigoted,' please read Soccer for Social Change: Ryan Adams of TC Jacks from last September. Check it out. 'With my background in the sports industry, Kevin and Dan's experience in finance, and our collective relationships in the community, we thought we'd be crazy NOT to give it a shot.' Today's interview is brought to you by Weebly. Weebly is who I use to run American Pyramid, and it's one of the easiest to use and most intuitive web builders out there. And it's crazy cheap! Plus, if you decide to use Weebly for your team, league, blog or business website, you can click this link Right Here to get started with your website and AP will get a credit that makes maintaining the site even easier. So check out Weebly today.
Good morning everyone! Today is one of those special interviews, as it's with a team that doesn't yet exist on the field or in a league. Lionsbridge FC is a new team starting in Virginia's Peninsula region. If you're keeping track, there's been a sudden rise in teams interested in, or getting ready to start playing in, more national leagues. Aromas Cafe FC looking to join NPSL, C-Ville FC in the UPSL, and now Lionsbridge FC (League TBD). And there's also Motorik Alexandria looking to play in the Washington Premier League. Mike Vest digs into the soccer scene in Virginia, and the hope that they're step forward will lead and inspire others to start teams in the Commonwealth. Check it out. |
February 2021