Today's Interview is brought to you by Rabble.TV is the future. Ever want to give live commentary on a game you’re watching? Interested in doing a podcast? Want fun things to listen to in your down time? Or when you're supposed to be working? This is the place. Content from all around the world, and all accounts are free. Follow them on Twitter at RabbleSoccer, and dive into a whole new level of Soccer Fandom.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. Last week AP's newest writer, Dan Roberts, answered Seven Questions to introduce himself to you before he starts writing articles in 2017. This week, it's time to hear from Nik Myles and see what he plans on bringing to AP in the coming year. Check it out. Today's interview is brought to you by MeritFit. is a Kansas City based fitness and nutrition blog run by one of my good friends and certified Personal Trainer, Dustin Duewel. He played soccer for 12 years, inspiring his passion for fitness and nutrition. Check out his blog for all kinds of useful information to up your game and get ahead of the competition.
Well, well, well! And I said AP was done for the year, didn't I? Guess I lied a little. Or thought of this idea after I said I was done for 2016. Who knows. Anyway, in case you've missed it recently, AP has added two new writers, Dan Roberts and Nik Myles. I took a little time to ask each of them seven questions as a way for them to introduce themselves to you readers. I hope you enjoy the first of set of Seven Questions with Dan Roberts. Check it out. Hello readers! Before AP goes quite for a spell this holiday season, I wanted to provide you all with some updates on what 2017 has in store for you.
First, there will be two new writers here at AP! In case you didn't know, for the last fourteen months, the whole site has been done by one guy. That's no longer the case, as Dan Roberts and Nik Myles will start writing new content for the site in 2017. They're going to being things a little different than they've been done before, and that's a good thing. Second, I'm excited to announce that AP is the beginning stages of creating a media network for soccer podcasts. As part of phase, you'll soon see a new page containing a directory of podcasts that have come on board this project so you have an easier time finding stuff you want to listen to. Now, if you're looking into starting a podcast we'll have resources to help you get started. If you already run a podcast and want to reach a larger audience, contact us and we'll get you added to the directory. Phase two of the network will see a brand new website up and running later in 2017 that will not only let you find podcasts, and get connected for help to start your own podcast, but you'll also be able to listen to all media from these affiliated podcasts in one location. A rising tide will lift all boats. That's it for updates here at AP. Merry Christmas readers! And here's to a crazy New Year! "It's important for the players who wish to continue to play competitively to have a chance to do so." Today's interview is brought to you by LeagueApps. League Apps is your one stop shop for streamlining your day to day activities at the club and league level. They have multiple options based on your needs, including one that's free! Visit to find out more and see what they can do to make running your club and league easier.
Good morning everyone, and Merry Christmas! This is the last interview of 2016 before AP goes on a much need holiday. Also, I'm pleased to announce that two new writers have joined AP for 2017, and they are going to bring a whole different kind of article style and perspective to AP for your reading pleasure. Now, to those of you who have been following the blog for awhile, the name Jonathan Rednour might be a familiar one. He was one of the earliest interviews ever done on AP, when he discussed the precursor to the GCPL, the Louisiana Premier League. You can read that original interview by clicking here. Jonathan took some time to provide updates on the current state of the GCPL, plans for the future, and drops an intriguing cliffhanger. Check it out. |
February 2021