Welcome back to the Pyramid faithful readers! This interview is getting released a full week and a half in advance, thanks not only to the amount of positive feedback we are getting from teams when it comes to interview requests, but also due to the interest among some of my readers in this particular interview. Now, Matt Roberts is the President and CEO of Grand Rapids FC, a team out of Michigan that took the American soccer scene by storm this year when they surprised everyone, including themselves, when they averaged 4,000+ fans a game over the course of the season. Without further ado, I present an interview with Matt Roberts, after the break.
Hello again, and welcome back to the American Pyramid. If it's your first time reading this blog, welcome! The point of the American Pyramid is to draw attention to what's going on in the lower levels of American soccer. Who's doing what where, and how you can get involved and support your local team. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dave Galas of Lane United FC in Eugene, Oregon. To preface, I've been keeping tabs on Lane United since they were first formed thanks to the online soccer forum I'm a part of, and it's been fun to watch them grow and actually get to talk to Dave to find out more about what's happening in Eugene. It's a long interview, but completely worth your time. Without further ado, an interview with Dave Galas.
Hello faithful readers! I've decided to write my first piece on how American soccer works. This might wind up getting split into multiple articles depending on just how much time I feel it will take to properly describe how our system works. There will be a lot to digest, but I hope to break down in a way that will make it easy to understand. That way, what I'm doing with this blog will make a whole lot more to sense everyone.
Welcome back to the Pyramid ladies and gentlemen. Thanks to the gents over in Mobile, I got connected over the last couple of weeks with a man named Jonathan Rednour. Now Jonathan is the commissioner of the Louisiana Premier League. Currently the league featuers five teams from across the state and is looking to add more, not just in Louisiana, but throughout the deep south. I got to ask him the league, how Louisiana fits into the soccer landscape, and learn about the challenges of starting a soccer team from scratch, even if it's an amateur one. Interview after the break
February 2021